terms of use


Club Aparthotel Vučko doo manages the mobile application Hotel Vučko where it provides users with online services consisting of information about products, services, offers and other activities or facilities that Club Aparthotel Vučko doo finds interesting for users of the application. These Terms of Use prescribe the terms and conditions relating to the use of the mobile application or online service.

The mobile application is not intended or aimed at underage users. In the event that the parent or guardian does not agree with the use of the content or these conditions, they can contact info@aparthotelvucko.com to terminate the account, whereby the message requesting the termination of the account must state the e-mail address of the account being terminated. The right of use is not transferable to other natural or legal persons. Each user is personally responsible for protecting the confidentiality of passwords, in places where they exist as such.

Club Aparthotel Vučko doo is not responsible for any data loss that may occur during the transmission of information on the Internet. The user is aware of the possibility of occasional interruptions, unavailability and / or disconnection due to force majeure or other reasonable reasons (eg maintenance, content setup, redesign, etc.). The visitor agrees and accepts that due to the stated reasons the access to the application may be interrupted, temporarily unavailable or turned off, or that due to the above there may be loss of data for which Club Aparthotel Vučko doo is not responsible.

Club Aparthotel Vučko doo does not represent or warrant that the content of the application and / or related subpages of the pages is complete, accurate or up to date; that the application will always be available and available, and that it will not cause harm to visitors, registered users or third parties. Each registered user expressly accepts the use of this application at his own risk and only he bears all possible costs related to the maintenance or repair of computer equipment, including software.

Club Aparthotel Vučko doo reserves the right to change or cancel the application at any time, including, but not limited to, the content, time of availability, as well as the equipment necessary to access or use the site. Club Aparthotel Vučko doo may also at any time make improvements and / or changes in the products and / or programs described in these conditions, without prior notice.

Club Aparthotel Vučko doo reserves the right to revise (change) the Terms of Use at any time and to terminate access to the application without prior notice. These terms of use, as well as their changes, come into force and apply from the moment of publication on the site. If a visitor uses the application after changing the terms of use, it is considered that he is familiar with the changes, that he understands them and fully accepts them.


The application is managed by Club Aparthotel Vučko doo, which is also the holder of all rights to the application. It is forbidden to publish, use, transmit, send and exchange materials and content that violate or endanger privacy, that are vulgar or otherwise undesirable in normal communication, that endanger and / or violate the rights of others, especially materials and content that are by their nature illegal, threatening, offensive, defamatory, which insult the applicable legal regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially illegal, false or untrue, misleading, offensive, defamatory, vulgar, threatening, harassing, racist or chauvinistic content, content that offends the rights of intellectual ownership of third parties, content that unauthorized disclosure of personal data or infringes the right to the identity of third parties and other inappropriate content, and content that may harm Club Aparthotel Vučko doo, other visitors or third parties, which includes, inter alia, contains which encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offense, which entails civil liability or otherwise violates any regulations and which, without the express, prior, written consent of Club Aparthotel Vučko doo, contain advertising or offer of anyone's products and service. The user may not use the application to advertise or perform any commercial, religious, political, or non-commercial promotion.


The application contains materials protected by copyright, the right to logo / design and other information that is protected by other rights of natural or legal persons, including, but not limited to, copyright in texts, software, photos, videos, graphics, music, sound, as well as the entire content of the site, in accordance with the regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On all materials (texts, photographs, images, drawings, audio and video materials, etc.), trademarks of products and services, logos, and other content that are on the application Club Aparthotel Vučko doo has the exclusive right of ownership or other intellectual property rights or used with the express permission of the copyright holder and the holder of the rights to the logos and / or design. All rights to logos and other signs of visual identity of products and services of Club Aparthotel Vučko doo are protected. Unless otherwise stated, all other logos appearing are the intellectual property of their bearers. Club Aparthotel Vučko doo is the copyright holder in connection with the selection, coordination, installation and improvement of such content, as well as the rights in connection with the original content. Any copying, distribution, transfer, publication, reproduction, revision, transfer, linking, in-depth linking, creation of derivatives or modification of the site in any other way without the express written permission of Club Aparthotel Vučko doo is prohibited.

The user may download, print and store copyrighted materials only for the purpose of his own non-commercial use for information purposes. The user is solely and exclusively liable for damages that may arise from copyright infringement, misuse of trademarks and other intellectual property rights and other consequential consequences.


The general rules also apply to the offers of Club Aparthotel Vučko doo products and services, which in no way affect the rights of users as consumers that are subject to the Consumer Protection Act.

All products offered or advertised on the application do not have to be physically available, it depends on availability.


The user expressly declares that he uses the application solely at his own risk. Club Aparthotel Vučko doo, as well as none of their employees, agents, third party service providers or licensed companies guarantees that the use of the application will not be terminated or will be error-free, nor does it guarantee (i) the consequences that may arise from using the application or (ii) ) for the accuracy, reliability or content of any information, services or goods provided through the application. This disclaimer applies to all damages, possible injuries caused by any bad features, error, exclusion, interruption, deletion, malfunction, delay in transmission or transmission, computer virus, interruption in the communication line, theft, destruction or unauthorized access, alterations or misuse of records, termination of contract, misconduct, negligence or any other act. The user expressly confirms that Club Aparthotel Vučko doo is not responsible for offensive, inappropriate or illegal behavior of other visitors or third parties, and that the risk of damage that may occur as a result of this lies entirely with the visitor.

Club Aparthotel Vučko doo reserves the right to change, adjust, modify, delete or remove any content that it deems inappropriate.

Club Aparthotel Vučko doo reserves the right to immediately revoke any passwords or user accounts of the visitor in case of any of his behavior that Club Aparthotel Vučko doo, in its opinion, considers unacceptable, as well as in any case of non-compliance with these Terms by users.


The issue of personal data protection is regulated by Club Aparthotel Vučko doo's Privacy Statement, which takes precedence over these Terms of Use.

The privacy statement sets out the way we access personal information, including how we collect, use and share personal information and data.


Club Aparthotel Vučko doo does not want to receive confidential information from users through the application. Any information or materials sent by the application to Club Aparthotel Vučko doo will be treated as non-confidential. By sending some information or materials, the user grants an unlimited and irrevocable free license to use, copy, display, perform, modify, transmit to third parties and distribute these materials or information for commercial or any other legally permitted purpose, and also agrees that Club Aparthotel Vučko doo is free to use any ideas, concepts, knowledge or techniques contained in the submitted materials or information for any purpose.

Materials submitted or made available through the application are not and will not be considered business secrets, secret or confidential information. By publishing the material on the application, the user authorizes Club Aparthotel Vučko doo to use it indefinitely for any purpose, including reproduction, transmission, publication, broadcast or use in any other way, without the obligation to pay any fee.


Club Aparthotel Vučko doo does not make any statements or claims that online services are available outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as Club Aparthotel Vučko doo operates in Bosnia and Herzegovina and directs its offer to that territory. If you use online services from other locations, you are responsible for complying with relevant local laws.

Club Aparthotel Vučko doo may transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms to another organization or legal entity. The User may transfer his rights and obligations under these Terms to another person only with the written consent of Club Aparthotel Vučko doo.


The provisions of the positive regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall apply to everything that is not regulated by these Terms. All disputes arising in connection with these Terms, the parties will try to resolve amicably. Any disputes or claims that may arise as a result of using the site are within the jurisdiction of the court in Pale.


These terms of use apply from 1.3.2021.

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